
Personal blog of Liz from Kauai.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's All Good

Spiritual walking is a good thing for character-building. Yes, how much more of a character do I need to be, you may be muttering to yourself...hahaha.
It gives a person a chance to put their life and beliefs on the same page and literally learn how to walk the talk.
Yesterday in Makiki, we approached a group of men enjoying a cold one and good conversation, I asked if we could share with them the message of Baha'u'llah, revealer of the Baha'i Faith. One man said it was not appropriate to discuss God when alcohol was being consumed and asked us to come back the next day.
So we did.
Two of the 5 men from the previous day were present and after we greeted them warmly, the elder of the two said the man who told us to come back was not there and just said that to get rid of us. He himself was not interested in religion.
Well, we figured there was a chance we'd get blown off...but, we were still able to find much in common and were able to enjoy making friends with Al and BJ anyway! As a matter of fact I noticed a Redskins coozie and asked Al if he was a Redskins fan.
Oh yeah- only since the days of Swingin' Sammy Baugh!!!
We ended up having the most wonderful conversation and I learned that I could get a Redskins hardhat at a local store in Honolulu. Al brought out some treasures to show us.

So unity was established and love for a common cause was shared. Isn't that what it's all about, anyway?


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September 14, 2018 at 4:45 PM  

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