
Personal blog of Liz from Kauai.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kalepa Sunrise

My fellow Rotary President Vianne Tabata was installed last night as President of the Kalepa Sunrise Club.
The setting was the beautiful living room at Kilohana.

Of course, the food was fabulous from sushi to dessert!

And the Rotary humor and fellowship was everywhere. Outgoing President Tim Hoxie, a member of one of Kauai's historical families (whose brother is a Past President of West Kauai Rotary, btw) was appropriately roasted by PDG Al Ficker and PP Russ Talvi and sent out to pasture but not before he bestowed Vianne with his gavel and the "magic wand" for luck!

Past District Governor Claude Thompson did the officiating as AG Laurie Yoshida is a member of this club.

More images can be found at