
Personal blog of Liz from Kauai.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sister Speak in Pix

OK, while I am getting amped up to travel to Florida for the UH Warriors' opening game with the Gators in Gainesville at the end of August, one of the things I am looking forward to is visiting my sister and her hubby (born a Georgia peach) - and our mom, who has finally left Los Angeles for life in the country!

Here are the moms on Mothers Day.

Sis has a green thumb- like mom - as proven here!

Graduation Day

My cattleya orchid is blooming again.

It was graduation day for Kauai's high schools.

Ours is Waimea. Ukuleleboi (standing, in black with hat) played percussion in the band.

They played Pomp and Circumstance as the seniors slow- marched to their places in the stands.

I joined several other "parents of juniors" to work on Project Grad. Our job was to pack a duffle with the student's change of clothes.

It was fun, safe and a grand time was had by all!

Friday, May 30, 2008

A Matter of Balance

Isn't it interesting - how we have to balance our lives to have a healthy outcome?
And the process starts when we are very young- like living in the world which can be like a very large recliner- where it is easy to keel over unexpectedly...

and end up


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sleeping AGAIN???

Just uploaded from my daughter:

Wide awake and bright-eyed!

Waimea Music Concert

Waimea Canyon Middle School and Waimea High School held a joint music concert last night at the Canyon School Cafeteria.
David Braun led the 7th and 8th grade bands

and Beth Cuizon featured the high school band, chorus and ukulele groups.

LINK to the Band's performance of selections from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tsai-ko Breakfast on Maui

One of the highlights of my weekend on Maui was being able to have breakfast with fellow Warrior Beat blogger "duffer" at Denny's before my flights back to Kauai.
While it was waaaay too short to be a real "cattle call" - or how we say it on Maui, a Muu-Call, it was still a real treat to meet a fellow Tsai-ko and generous gentleman in real time for the first time.
Note the "small" senior portions of breakfast ;-)

Rotary Conference and More

Just got back from a great Rotary Conference at the Wailea Marriott Hotel on Maui.
Here are a few of my favorite things:
Seeing my club's banner in the hall of banners.

Dr. Tyler Chihara (2nd from left), podiatrist, who took me shopping for shoes for my feet that are suffering from plantar faciitis, and his wife Hope (in sunglasses) who gave up an hour of her free time at the conference so he could do that.

The Walking Co. - where I got the shoes.

My favorite speaker at the Conference was Brian Shul. I cannot show the beautiful video he shared but I do have a couple of great stories- which may be a little offensive to my nephew Doug who is a Navy pilot going into F18 school.

The great food at the conference... and the strange lack of rice on the banquet menu.

Shades of Ukuleleboi and friends - Maui has Pohaku - two 14 year old ukulele and guitar players with "Rock" star dreams! They performed for us at the Luau Garden on Sunday night.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Blue and White

Waimea High's Blue and White game was a defensive battle that ended in a 0-0 tie.
The Band had fun though! Especially my son on the snare.

Enjoy the Band!

Jordon Dizon was on my mind- there was a lucky number drawing for an autographed tee shirt and a pride banner in the concession booth.

Our Band Director joined the trumpet section for some hot notes and cool runs!

Peace and Persecution

How memorable a way to celebrate the birth of the Baha'i Faith:

NEW YORK (CNN) -- A top Baha'i official has criticized Iran's claim that the six imprisoned leaders of the religious minority were held for security reasons and not because of their faith.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government has been accused of trying to eliminate the Baha'i community.

Bani Dugal, the principal representative of the Baha'i International Community to the United Nations, called Iran's assertion "utterly baseless."

"The allegations are not new, and the Iranian government knows well that they are untrue," Dugal said on Wednesday, quoted in a news release issued by the Baha'i movement.

"The documented plan of the Iranian government has always been to destroy the Baha'i community, and these latest arrests represent an intensification of this plan."

Iranian government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham said the people were detained for "security issues" and not their faith, Iran's Islamic Republic News Agency said.

Elham said on Tuesday that the Baha'is were members of a group working together "against national interest."

"The group is an organized establishment linked to foreigners, the Zionists in particular," he said.

The arrests of the six last week and another Baha'i leader in March sparked sharp condemnation by the Baha'is, the United States, Canada, the European Union and humanitarian groups.

The Baha'is say the latest arrests are part of a pattern of religious persecution since 1979, when the monarchy of the Shah of Iran was toppled and an Islamic republic was created in the predominantly Shiite nation.

The Baha'is say they have been killed, jailed and "otherwise oppressed" only because of their religion.

"The best proof of this is the fact that, time and again, Baha'is have been offered their freedom if they recant their Baha'i beliefs and convert to Islam, an option few have taken," Dugal said.

Dugal said Iran's practice of connecting the group to Zionism, the underlying political philosophy of the Jewish state, was a "distortion" and an attempt to "stir animosity" among the Iranian public.

The Baha'i World Center, which the movement refers to as its "spiritual and administrative heart," is in the Acre/Haifa area in northern Israel -- a location that predates the founding of the state of Israel since it was formed during the Ottoman Empire's rule of Palestine.

The Baha'is explain that their founder, Baha'u'llah, "after a series of successive banishments from his native Persia, was exiled, with members of his family and a small band of his followers, to the Turkish penal colony of Acre in 1868."

Dugal said the Iranian actions were the "most recent iteration in a long history of attempts to foment hatred by casting the Baha'is as agents of foreign powers, whether of Russia, the United Kingdom, or the United States and now Israel all of which are completely baseless."

Dugal said the government's philosophies are based largely on the idea that there can be "no prophet following Mohammed" and that the faith "poses a theological challenge to this belief."

They say Baha'u'llah is regarded by Baha'is as "the most recent in the line of Messengers of God that stretches back beyond recorded time and that includes Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Christ and Mohammed."

The Baha'is-- regarded as the largest non-Muslim religious minority in Iran -- say they have 5 million members across the globe, and about 300,000 in Iran.


Today we celebrate the Declaration of the Bab, Prophet-Herald of the Baha'i Faith.

Click here to see the presentation

Celebrating the Declaration of the Báb, herald of Bahá'u'lláh

"His life is one of the most magnificent examples of courage which it has been the privilege of mankind to behold,” French writer A.L.M. Nicolas said of the Báb (“gate” in Arabic).

The Báb—born Siyyid `Alí-Muhammad in Shiraz, Persia (now Iran)—announced on May 22, 1844, that He was the bearer of a Divine Revelation which would prepare humanity for the advent of the Promised One of all religions.

On the evening of May 22, Baha'is throughout the world commemorate the
Declaration of the Bab, which took place in this room (pictured) in the
Persian city of Shiraz in 1844.
That Promised One, the Báb declared, was destined to usher in the age of justice, unity and peace promised in Judaism, Christianity, Islam and all the other world religions. Bahá'u'lláh, one of the Báb's leading advocates, announced in April 1863 that He was the Divine Messenger the Báb had promised.

The Báb’s announcement in the middle of the 19th century came at a time when many Christians were expecting the return of Christ based on their reading of Biblical prophecy. Simultaneously, half way around the world, in the Middle East, many followers of Islam were also expecting their Promised One to appear.

It seemed as if a new spiritual age was about to begin.

Those who had met the Báb were struck by the beauty of His being and grace. His voice, particularly, when chanting the tablets and prayers He revealed, possessed a sweetness that captivated the heart.

Against the backdrop of widespread moral breakdown in Persian society, the Báb's assertion that He was the Bringer of a new Revelation from God and His call for spiritual and social renewal aroused both hope and excitement among the masses and hostility among the religious and political leaders of His day.

He quickly attracted thousands of followers.

Soon the Báb and His followers were persecuted by the religious and political leaders. The Bab was imprisoned, exiled, beaten and finally executed. The followers, by the thousands, were tortured and martyred.

Their extraordinary moral courage in the face of persecution was noted by a number of Western observers, such as Leo Tolstoy and Sarah Bernhardt, who were deeply affected by the spiritual drama that was unfolding in what was regarded as a darkened land.

Despite the opposition, the Báb's religion survived. Most of the Báb's followers embraced Bahá'u'lláh's announcement that He was the One promised by the Báb. The religion, known as the Bahá'í Faith after Bahá'u'lláh's declaration, continued to expand although persecutions also continued.

Today, the Bahá'í Faith has more than five million followers from every part of the world, drawn from every class of society and nearly every religion. In the United States, the Bahá'í Faith now has about 160,000 adherents.

Bahá'ís celebrate the anniversary of the Báb’s declaration through prayers and programs where the story of His declaration may be retold. It is one of nine holy days in the Bahá'í calendar when Bahá'ís suspend work or school.

(courtesy of the Baha'is of the U.S.)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lilu and Her Papa Kelena

Lilu is spending some time the same position her mom did 39 years ago!
"Papa Kelena" has been a big help around the house while hubby Jason is working and finishing up another college degree!

These quiet moments are just the calm before the storm of activity this little girl will create soon!

We got a Wii FIT tonight. Exercise program has started in spite of plantar fasciitis in both feet.

Wii Fit da Feet!

My football and Rotary buddy Wendell left for the mainland and his new job tonight - but not before my boss and I got a chance to have lunch with him one moe time!
We hope to attend an NFL game sometime in his home city when the Redskins and Colt Brennan come to play!
Good luck and Godspeed, Wendell!